Funktsionalny atypia

Funktsionalny atypia tumors often associated with the loss of the original fabric of specialized structures.

Depending on the tumor tissue atypism manifestations distinguish benign and malignant tumors.

Benign tumors are characterized by slow growth, rising in the capsule, pushing the surrounding tissue and without destroying them. They do not metastasize or recur after treatment, not when­lead to the depletion of tumor – cachexia.

Malignant tumors have characterized­strym growth, growing up without a capsule, penetrating the c­Rouge tissues, destroy them and break function­tion bodies. They metastasize give relapses after treatment and lead to tumor depleted­NIJ.

Development of tumor cachexia phenomenon can contribute to malnutrition due to non food­walk of the digestive tract, krovotech­Niya, food intoxication tumor disintegration, pain, insomnia, appetite disorders, depres-­these.

A new concept of the origin of swelling­lei. It is based on the state of existence­SRI common ways to implement the mechanism of action of various carcinogens. This does not deny the role of the chemical, physical and biological factors as a cause of tumor growth.

Due to the wide spread of the chemical­Sgiach substances in the production and life, pollution, chemical carcinogens (called exogenous) are the most frequent cause of tumor growth. carcinogenic vesche­ARISING formed in the body (endogenous carcinogens). Or non-physiological concentrationprolonged exposure to these substances, such as certain hormones, may cause carcinogen­Noah action by inappropriate activation of regularity­liruemyh of tissue function and the stimulation of the glue­exact division.

Carcinogenesis influenced by physical factors occurs in the areas of impact on the body of radiation exposure, as well as when exceeding the dose of X-ray or ultraviolet irradiation. Tumors can arise in the area of ​​burn scarring or prolonged continuous Sports­Corollary mechanical factors causing loss­toast and inflammation.

Of great importance for the study of the pathogenesis of tumors were studies of viral carcinogenbehind. Works LA Zilber proved that the essence of wi­Rusnė oncogenesis not merely infecting the cell at which the reproduction of the viral particles and cells in malignant transformation following­Corollary inclusion of viral genetic material or its part in the cellular genome. Previously it was thought that the chemical and physical factors of influence­added to the cell through viruses genes included in the genetic apparatus of the cell. new facts­ry only enriched this theory, without changing it received­fundamentally provisions.

Number of tumors of viral origin are well established small. This is not a direct infection, but only about the complex mnogosta­diynom during the transformation of normal cells to tumor that develops in accordance with the laws different from those in the Institute­infectious process. From this perspective, cancer is not a contagious disease. The virus causes the cell changes hereditary and is not involved in the further development of the tumor. Infections malignancies people from one another, or surgery infection, operating it­NVIRONMENTAL patients were observed.

Occurrence of tumors depends not only on the under­rank, caused it, but also on factors contributing to­boiling implementation of these reasons, ie. e. on the conditions. foundations­GOVERNMENTAL tumor occurrence conditions are antineoplastic decrease resistance, the presence of foci of chronic inflammation, proliferation and dystrophy, hereditary predisposition.

Antineoplastic rezistentnost is determined by many factors: the disposal of carcinogen­Sub- stances in liver, activity antimutatsion­hydrochloric protection and control mechanisms tissues antigenic composition.

If tumor cells do occur, they are detected and eliminated with the help of cellular immune surveillance mechanisms. Therefore, the level of immune protection is very important for antineoplastic resistance. It is known that in the elderly develops atrophy Tumus -principal regulator of the immune system, the frequency of neoplastic diseases is greatly increased.

One of the risk factors for swelling­Left the inflammatory diseases are chronic­tion and proliferative processes in tissues. Outbreaks atrophy, cell multiplication in areas of chronic inflammation Cesky, substitution of one species epite­Leah other tricks represent violations tissue growth, create instability hereditary apparatus of cells and predispose to mutations. These states are called precancerous. Patients with precancerous diseases should undergo medical examination.

There is also a genetic predisposition to the development of tumors, passed on to offspring od­These gene and polygenic. Predisposition, Obus­lovlennaya one gene usually explained by a defect in DNA repair enzymes. In these instances,­s offline enzyme provides the restored­Lenie mutagenic DNA and each mutation is being developed. In these individuals the risk of malignancy is increased tenfold.

When polygenic predisposition to devel­The term feature is influenced by many genes, some of which are basic, and others – modifiers, auxiliary­nye, changing of fixed genes. Poskol­ku development characteristic associated with gene complex, sometimes located in different chromosomes, re­Dacha offspring trait is more complicated­E ways, and susceptibility manifests itself in higher incidence of disease in families with burdened­hydrochloric heredity.

Diagnosis of tumors carried by chemistry­cal and laboratory manifestations. treatment evil­tumors value must be timely, and complex radical. Comprehensive treatment includes surgery, radiotherapy, drug exposure (chemotherapy).

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