In patients with stage III

In patients with stage III, multiple destruction of the ribs characteristic of MM, pathological ribs of the ribs occurred. In 7 patients, tumors emanating from the re- cers, compressing the corresponding zones of the lung tissue and creating the effect of a lung tumor, were noted . Subsequently, after autopsy, histological examination of tumors emanating from the ribs showed characteristic myelocytocellular growths.

The presence of inflammatory infiltrates was diagnosed in 33 patients (in 44 cases, taking into account repeated pneumonia). In most cases, pneumonia was detected in patients with MM in the later stages of tumor progression with chest deformity and renal failure.

Fluid in the pleural cavities was detected in 47 patients (38.2%). Subsequently, during the pleural puncture or at autopsy, the etiology of pleural effusion was established. In 8 cases there was a specific pleurisy, due to myeloma pleural infiltration; in 11 cases, infectious pleurisy as a complication of pneumonia; 28 people were diagnosed with transudate (pleural manifestation of renal failure).

In 52 patients with MM (42.3%), complicated by myeloma nephropathy and renal failure, nephrogenic pulmonary edema of degrees I, II and III was detected according to the classification of V.M. Perelman et al. (1964). The main diagnostic sign of nephrogenic pulmonary edema is a cloud-like darkening in the central regions on the chest radiograph in a direct projection . Its shape resembled a butterfly due to the free peripheral zone 2-4 cm wide. The darkening consisted of unsharply delineated rounded foci, the size of which depended on the number of alveoli filled with transudate. With accumulation in the interstitial spaces and pleural crevices of the edematous fluid, there were visible bands of darkening radiating away from the central part of the butterfly (26 patients — 50% of the total number of patients with nephrogenic edema). However, in 26 patients (50%), the blackout was unilateral, segmental, located mainly in the lower sections, combined with hydrothorax.

Only in one patient, radiological examination was able to detect calcification in the lungs . Calcium deposits are of very small size, and in the overwhelming majority of cases it is not possible to detect them during X-ray examination.

In two patients, a mediastinal tumor was diagnosed radiologically, which later at autopsy turned out to be an extramedullary foci of blood formation in the mediastinal tissue.

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