Patients undergoing surgery for evil­quality tumor, it is necessary in the diet to introduce vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin­E. patient’s body after surgery requires at­complements mineral substances, various trace elements, which are fruits and vegetables. Because of the low calorie they are widely used in clinical nutrition.

Potatoesrightly called a second bread. It is well absorbed by the body, potato fiberIt does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and ki­shechnika. 100 grams of young POTATO tubers­To contain up to 20 mg of vitamin C (cook­hydrochloric processing is lost to 10 mg of vitamin C). Kar­Tophel contains potassium salts calorie potato substantial (greater than 2 – 3 times the caloric content of many other vegetables). Those who are inclined to corpulence, a potato in the diet should be restricted.

tomatoes are very useful, they guest carotene – provitamin A, ascorbic acid, vitamins of group B. From mineral salts they contain potassium, phosphorus, iron, organic acids, millstands­Chatka. Low calorie tomato allows you to include them in the diet of people who are overweight. Recent evidence suggests that the oxalic acid in tomatoes is not larger than in potatoes. Less than in other vegetables, contain­zhitsya purines in them that could disrupt exchange ve­stances and lead to the development of gout.

cucumbers composed of 95% water in small amounts they contain vitamins C :, Bp B2. Mineral salts in greatest potassium.

Carrot (Especially brightly colored korneplo­dy) contains a large number of carotene from to­torogo in the human body is formed vitamin A. In carotene in carrots is other vitamins: PP, C, group B is rich carrots potassium salts. th­tovit carrot juice and carrot salad req­Dimo immediately before use, because carotene quickly loses activity under the influence of Kis­Air loroda.

Beet It characterized by a high sugar content, fiber, organic acids (malic, citric, etc.), mineral salts (potassium, mag­Nia), vitamins. Young beets used vmese­those with tops, which a lot of ascorbic acid, carotene, B vitamins

White cabbage – source of vitamin C. In 100 g it contains up to 30 mg of vitamin C (summer and autumn). Of the mineral substances are contained in cabbage potassium, calcium, phosphorus. cabbage is­etsya low-calorie product, so it hunts­but include in the diet of overweight people. Very good­Shaw saved vitamins sauerkraut.

Onionrich in volatile production is delayed­conductive development of pathogens. It has long been believed that the bow is useful by “seven ailments”. Volatile inhibit putrefactive bacteria in the oral cavity, in the intestine. Onions stimulates the appetite. In large onions contain essential oils, we arrive at­guides him to a specific aroma and flavor. There therein vitamins: C ,, B2 (riboflavin), PP (niacin) from E­neralnyh substances are potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and iron.

Pumpkinuseful and tasty. Use it as a CBE­ments, and in baked or boiled. Very useful pumpkin juice. In the pulp of ripe pumpkin contains­Xia: sucrose – 4.5%, vitamins B2, B2, C, carotene in large quantity, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium.

courgettescontain sugar about 3%very rich in minerals, vitamin C.

eggplantrefer to the tomato vegetables. They contain vitamins (PP, C), carotene, minerals­nye substances (potassium, phosphorus). eggplant Maloka­loriyny, so it is recommended to enter into the diet of obese people power.

Sweet pepper the content of vitamin C (Al­korbinovoy acid) – one of the richest ovo­soup. The mature red pepper contains vitamin C.­camping several times more than oranges or tangerines. 40 – 50 grams of raw sweet lane­ca correspond to the daily rate of the forehead needs­Century vitamin C in peppers a lot of carotene (TEST­Tamina A), Bl vitamins B2, E, PP. of mineral­Sub- stances especially a lot of peppers potassium salts. In the heat treatment of the vitamins is lost,so it is particularly useful pepper fresh.

Melon It contains a lot of nutrients. Among them easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamin C, carotene. Mineral substances particularly valuable Nali­Chie iron.

Watermelon contains up to 90% water, it has a pleasant­nym sweet taste, good thirst quencher. Sla­Dost watermelon depends digestible chelove­com fructose and glucose (13%). The watermelon at­absence of fiber, pectin, vita­With mines, B1, B2, PP, carotene, mineral ve­stances – potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, and iron. Due to the content of iron and folic sour­you are taking part in hematopoiesis, watermelon is used for therapeutic purposes in case of anemia.

Fruits and berries – not only of vitamins (C, carotene, etc.). They contain easily digestible carbohydrates, sugars (glucose, fructose, sugar­for) various mineral substances of organic­skie acid, volatile, dietary fiber (millstands­Chatka).

apples– dominated by glucose and fructose. They are not rich in vitamin C. Apples are rich in salts ka­Leah, have a diuretic effect. They contain­zhatsya malic, citric and other organic acids.

plum – fresh, dried, especially prunes – has a gentle laxative effect, contains­INH potassium, vitamin C.

cowberryrich in organic acids (whether­monnoy, malic acid, oxalic acid, benzoic acid).

strawberry(Garden, forest) contains a lot of wi­Tamina C and relatively little organic acids.

Raspberries – the therapeutic effect is due to contain­zhaniem therein salicylic acid.

Sea buckthorn It combines extremely large amounts of vitamin C (200 mg per 100 grams of berries), a significant amount of vitamin E. By containing­NIJ buckthorn carotene than even carrots.

Blackcurrantfamous abundance of vitamins C and P. The content of vitamin C black Smorodov­second only to the briar.

Red currants – less vitamin C, but the pain­Chez carotene.

bilberry It has a large number of tannins. It used as an astringent,

briar– record the content of vitami­on C (479 ml per 100 grams of fresh fruits and 1200 ml per 100 grams of dried fruits, as sous­xux berries per 100 grams accounts for more).

Aronia, rowan rich in vitamin P and S.

sorrel – useful for hematopoiesis. One of the first to appear in spring. It is rich in iron and magnesium. Sorrel need to eat in raw form, adding to salads. Nutritionists, naturopaths believe that Neorio­ganic oxalic acid, against which a cart­RAWA doctors (salt deposits, and so on. d.), formed by the heat treatment, which is why you need to cook sorrel is very rare, and fresh sorrel body brings many benefits.

From the above, the following recommendations – upot­reblyat vegetables and fruits with freshly prepared­kah, salads and as little as possible – in boiled and fried, as the vitamins lose their own­Properties. It is desirable for the entire year to use the parsley, and the green leaves and stem of parsley, the more useful it is for human consumption.

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