Uhod patient with epitsistomoy

In case of violation of the natural flow of urine associated with a tumor of the prostate, it is the high section of the bladder. In epitsistoma can be created during this operation (view urostomy) – suprapubic urocystic fistula (up responses­stie in the bladder to drain urine).

If epitsistoma left for extended periods or permanently, urine drainage is carried out through the catheter capitate Petstsera Malek, who at sformi­Rowan fistula do not require fixing. replace kata­tera produces a doctor at least once a month, as there may be blockage of the urinary catheter salts.

The distal end of the catheter through the tube conn­nyaetsya a urinal. If the patient walks,drainage bag attached to his legs, or troubles­ru, if the patient is lying in bed, the bag is suspended from the frame of the bed.

Patients with long-term epitsistomoy can locat­be under outpatient observation.

With sufficient bladder capacity Paci­UNT is in the daytime do not containe­Conner urine collection, and closing the outer end of emptying the bladder, as usual, with The appearance­lenii urge to urinate.

If the condition and age of the patient to allow the deal with the case familiar to him, for it­nd there are no contraindications. To by Paci­Enta no unpleasant smell of urine is required­mo more frequent hygienic measures in the genital area and epitsistomy. Processing Epicyte stoma-the same as the processing gastrostomy (see. “Processing gastrostomy”).

The use of the urinal with urine incontinence in men

Incontinence patient applied the bag, which helps keep the patient clean underwear and does not exude unpleasant odors.

To do this:

  • prepare: urinal, urine container, the connecting tube, gloves, wipes, antiseptic solution, oil cloth, most napkin;
  • ask the patient to lift the bowl and lay it under the buttocks and napkin oilcloth;
  • ask the patient to bend your knees slightly and push them;
  • wash hands and treat them twice with 70-gras­dusnym alcoholic solution;
  • between the patient’s thighs to put the container with warm water and soap;
  • and move the foreskin to expose the glans penis;
  • the treated area of ​​the outer opening urine­emissivity channel;
  • dry with a dry cloth;
  • open the packaging with a urinal (it Napo­Mina on the form and type of condom);
  • grab the penis with his left hand;
  • take right hand over the bag zhestkuyuchast;
  • lift the penis and put on his head the bag;
  • Roll out the bag to the base of the penis;
  • secure the bag at the base of the penis special adhesive tape;
  • inserted into the bag the connecting pipes­ku; attach the bag to a container to collect the urine.
  • fix the container on the bed (if PA­cient does not go as well as at night) or on the patient’s thigh during the day, if he goes;
  • remove the container with water, oil cloth, napkins by­Place in a plastic bag;
  • wash your hands twofold.

Note: a container for collecting urine q.s.­Dimo rinse thoroughly and pour onto bottom few crystals of potassium permanganate to prevent malodor.

Patients recovering from surgery can improve your immunity by using the people advice­Noah medicine.


Take 300 grams of dried apricots; 300 grams of raisins; 3 with lemon peel.

Mince and add 1 table­honey-hand.

Take: on the first spoonful – adults at first a teaspoon – children, 1 times a day, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach or before dinner, one hour before meals. It can be taken at night.


Mark: 100 grams of treated ground nuts; 100 grams of pureed peeled apples; 2 limo­on (juice); 1 tablespoon honey.

The whole mass of mix. Accept composition according to the first tablespoon (1st teaspoon) 2 – 3 times a day before meals.


Lemon grind with garlic (1 lemon zest 1 head and garlic). Can all be chopped. Behind-

casting the cooked weight of 0.5 liters of boiled water cooled. Close the container with the prepared mixture and place in refrigerator for 3 – 5 days.

Take the first spoonful in the morning on the­empty stomach. Taken continuously until you come on­are positive changes in the body.

All the mixtures should be stored in the refrigerator.

During radiation and chemotherapy Paci­ENTOV decreased blood hemoglobin. To increase the hemoglobin level is recommended for­ratit attention to well-known plant – edge­beer burning, or rather, on the juice of this plant. Kra­Beer has unique medicinal their­properties. Fresh nettle juice squeezed from May to September. Fresh nettle shoots are cut and about­passed through a meat grinder or a juicer.

Take: for the first 1/2 teaspoon in a glass of water 20 minutes before eating.

nettle juice is good mixed with birch – except in­Denia 1: 5, in a mixture with carrot – a dilution of 1: 2.

When receiving the juice not only increases blood hemoglobin, but in general strengthens the body by enhancing immunity. folk Celite­Whether called nettle vitamin piggy bank. It contains vitamins C, A, K, B2, E. Moreover, vita­With the mine in the leaves of the nettle twice more than in the berries of black currant, and vitamin A, no less than in carrots and sea buckthorn fruits. A lot of it, and the green pigment chlorophyll, protein. The nettle contains a significant set of mic­element deficiencies of iron, nickel, copper, promoting

formation of red blood cells and improve gemoglo­Bina.

Attention! We should not get involved in regular cooking nettle people suffer­conductive hypertension, since nettle accelerates blood clotting and may contribute to thrombosis.

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