Acute myeloblastic leukemia with myelofibrosis (panmielosis with myelofibrosis according to the WHO classification) – diagnosis
Acute myeloblastic leukemia with myelofibrosis (panmielosis with myelofibrosis according to the WHO classification):
• a rare form of acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia (ONLL);
• cytopenia in the peripheral blood, poor uninformative punctate of the bone marrow;
• morphological, cytochemical and immunophenotypic studies of cells are difficult;
• blasts react with MCA to myeloid antigens CD33, CD13, CD117 and MPO. In the presence of erythroid or megakaryocyte antigens, an appropriate subtype of blasts is established;
• in trepanate – hyperplasia and dysplasia of varying severity of individual myeloid shoots, clusters of young elements, including blasts; • the degree of fibrosis varies, in most cases an increase in reticulin fibers is observed;
• the karyotype is usually altered. Complicated chromosomal abnormalities involving chromosome 5 or 7 are most frequent.