Zone rheography of the lungs

Zonal rheography of the lungs was carried out according to the method of E.A. Free Nerman and L.I. Zhukovsky on the device REAN-131 (Russia). In the quantitative analysis of eographically curves obtained over the six zones of the lungs, the following indicators were taken into account: 1) respiratory rate (RR), 2) respiratory volume of rheographic (DOF; Ohm), 3) minute ventilation volume of rheographic (MVDP; Om / min), 4) erographic index of systolic blood filling (SCr; Ohm), 6) ECG heart rate; 7) minute pulsator blood flow (MPKr; Om / min), 8) diastole – systolic coefficient (DSC, relative units), 9) Q interval – the period from the beginning of the Q wave on the ECG to the beginning of the rise of systolic wave pulsation rheograms (s), 10) average blood filling rate of light (CCM; Ohm / s), 7) ventilation-perfusion ratio (HPE) = MOVr: MPKr.

The functional state of the diaphragm was determined using ultrasound scanning on Shimadzu SDU 500A and Aloka 650SSD (Japan) devices using the method of O. A. Mazharova and O. N. Sivyakova .

Immunological research methods. Immune status was evaluated using monoclonal antibodies. Serum immunoglobulins were studied by the method of immunoassay.

Morphological research methods. As the main methods for assessing the morphofunctional state of the objects under study, stereological methods were used, thanks to which, based on the study of sections, one can judge the real three-dimensional volumes [14, 15, 16]. In the morphometric study of segmental bronchi using an MOV ocular micrometer – 1–15 x and an ocular mesh for cytohistostereometry studies with 100 and 25 points determined the diameter of the bronchi, the thickness of the mucous membrane, the ratio of the number of boviform cells and ciliary epithelium cells, the degree of desquamation and epithelial proliferation relative to the remaining epithelium, the thickness of the basal membrane, the degree of blood supply to the vessels of the bronchial wall, the cellular composition of the infiltrate of the bronchial wall, the thickness of the muscle fibers and their fragmentation. In the submucosa – the number and size of the glands. The perimeter and area of ​​the alveoli was determined. Measurements were made of the thickness of the walls of the pulmonary vessels, the diameter and the index of the blood supply of the pulmonary vessels.

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