Palliative care begins when all other treatments are no longer effectivenesstive, when a person starts talking about Smerminute, when they begin to deny the vital organs. The aim of this treatment is to create opportunities for the patient a better quality zhizno. It should be aimed not only satisfiesletvorenie physical needs of the patient, but also to meet the equally important – PsychologistsiCal, social and spiritual.
In the palliative treatment of primary purpose is not to prolong life and make the rest as comfortable and meaningful as possible.
Palliative treatment will be effective:
- if it is possible to create and maintain for PApatient’s comfort and safety conditions;
- if the patient will feel the most their independence;
- if the patient does not feel pain;
- If, despite the impending loss of life, providing patient support system forhe may live as actively and creatively as much as possible for him.
Relatives should actively participate in the palliative treatment of their loved ones. In order to provide support to the patient, should give him the opportunity to express their feelings, even if it will be feelings of anger, grief. Not to let the manifestation of negative emotions. Tact, resistska, attention, sensitivity to help families in dealing with the patient.
Communicating with the patient, try to set aside time for him to see that you do not rushTes. You should always keep in mind that if your nearcue the person is terminally ill, he sometimes does not feel fear and despair, until he sees the fear and despair in the eyes of others. About the diagnosis of PAcient can guess by your eyes, Mimike, gestures, ie body language. You should not pretend to be cheerful, to lie, to avoid direct and honest conversation. False optimism is the destroyer of hope. It is absolutely not taken into account, that the orientation only on the positivetion in life brings a person relaxes and cheating, making it unstable in the mountain. He can not cope with the dropped its share of misfortuneeat.
The patient can follow the most insignificantGOVERNMENTAL changes and interpret them as ifsigns of improvement or deterioration of their consistingNia. In any case, knowing that he was doomed, traila fight for the quality of life, not its duration. It should agree with thatKimi patient decisions as refusal to eat, and by visitors, or vice versa – the desire to see them. It is necessary to continue the basic nursing care, aiming to perform gigienichesFIR procedures to ensure the purity of the skin and
prevention of pressure ulcers. It is recommended to apply and relaxing treatments such as deep breathing, rubbing and massage, toextremities.
Currently, the organization created, obeDinh efforts of medical staff, the priesthoodnicks and psychologists to assist the hopelessnym patients.