The development of tumors in tissues is not specific roofingto for people. Neoplasms are found in the tissues of plants, in animals – in all representatives of wildlife except unicellular.
General biological features of the tumor TKAIt became known as tumor atypia. Distinguish structural, metabolic and functional atypia.
Among structural abnormalities distinguish tissue and cell.
tissue atypiaexpressed in a change in comparison with the norm, shape and size, an orderedmagnetizations and orientation of structures in natureGOVERNMENTAL for a given tissue and organ. So, due to cells that retain signs of maturity, may frommenitsya ratio of individual tissue plasComrade. Of these mature cells form tumor nodules with fibroids (of muscle tissue), whether-komah (adipose tissue), fibromas (fromunitetion of tissue). When adenomas can be seen againcrease glandular tissue, which is the secret of ScapaLebanon in the ducts of the glands, forming cysts. tissuevy atypia characteristic of the benign tumors and is an important diagnostic Creeteriem.
cellular atypia is a sign of Narusheniya cell differentiation, the process toTorah cells acquire specialized structures and receptors that allow them to reactVat to regulate their function substance and mountainsMons. In the absence of such structures the cells can not perform their functions. Dezifferentsirovka cells accompanied by their structural features rejuvenation and atypia form and wereranks. Often the cells are rounded, the mass of the nucleus in:relation to the cytoplasm increases – such cells are called blasts. These nuclei can be seen a large number of enlarged nucleoli, indicating the previous cell division activated its synthetic functions. AthyPismo form expressed in ugly appearance nuclei tsitoplasticheskih outgrowths. In the nucleus and cytoplasma may occur emptiness.
In fast-growing tumors, cell mass increase speed ahead vascular ingrowth. The tumor is growing faster in the periphery, while in the center there is necrosis of the tumor mass, due to the tumor cells than in many cells found in a state of degeneration and necrosis.
Features of tumor cells explained rampant uncontrolled body during growth of the tumor mass associated with atypia timescell multiplication, violation of a genetically programmed process of aging and death.