A morphometric study of the heart at a macroscopic level determined the mass of the heart (g); the thickness of the myocardium of the right ventricle (RV) (cm); the pure mass of the pancreas (CMLP), obtained by separately weighing the heart according to the Muller-Burblinger method; ventricular index (LM) is the ratio of the net mass of the pancreas to the left; the width of the pancreas (perpendicular, mentally lowered from the middle of the anterior interventricular groove to the anterior surface of the pancreas) (cm); the tricuspid valve perimeter (TSK) (cm). In the study of the myocardium of the pancreas at the microscopic level, the average diameter of the cross section of the cardiomyocyte was determined (μm); cardiomyocytes cross-sectional area S in (mm 2 ), Thoraya Ko calculated by the formula S a = πr 2 , where r is the average radius of the cross section of the cardiomyocyte; the cross-sectional area of the core of the cardiomyocyte S i (μm 2 ), which is calculated by the same formula; nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio calculated by the area of the cardiomyocyte and the nucleus; percentage ratio of stromal structures and cardiomyocytes (Mmpzh%,% stroma). Calculated indicators such as the absolute mass of the pancreas (Mmpzh), calculated according to the formula Mmpzh = (ChMPzh * Mmpzh%) / 100 (g); the relative length of cardiomyocytes Z RV , which is calculated by the formula Z RV = Mmpzh / lpzh (conv. units).
IWC vessels have been studied in a qualitative and quantitative direction [16, 92, 98, 181]. For a qualitative assessment of changes in arteries, D. Heath and G. Edwards’s classification was used, in which changes in arteries pass through a series of successive stages: Stage I – middle envelope hypertrophy, Stage II – middle envelope hypertrophy and formation of an intimal muscle layer, Stage III – joining of progressive sclerosis inti maximal muscular layer, stage IV – common sclerotic changes in the layers of the arteries of the wall; stage V – joining the blood stagnation in the capillaries and hemosiderosis of the lungs; Stage VI – development of fibrinoid necrosis of arterial walls and arterioles. Changes in venules and veins were evaluated according to O.O. Orekhova: Stage I – middle envelope hypertrophy, moderate hyperelastosis; Stage II – the addition of media hypertrophy, pronounced hyperelastosis, the appearance of smooth muscles in the intima; Stage III – the accession of progressive sclerosis and intima hyperelastosis with a narrowing of the vessel lumen; Stage IV – a combination of sclerosis of the vessel wall with focal enlargements of its lumen; Stage V – pronounced sclerosis and hyperelastosis of the entire vessel wall, the presence of aneurysms, blood clots and other changes characteristic of venous insufficiency of blood flow.For a quantitative assessment, the length of the LA circumference, the degree of vascular congestion, the Kernogan index — the ratio of the thickness of the muscle layer to the radius of the vessel lumen, the thickness of the intimal muscle layer of the terminal and respiratory branches of the LA.
To study the diaphragm, pieces were taken from its rib section and the diaphragm thickness (mm) was determined, the percentage ratio of large, medium, small myocytes, the cross-sectional area of muscle fibers (μm 2 ), the stroma number .
Statistical methods. All digital data are subject to verification of the sample distribution for normality according to Kolmogorov – Smirnov criteria and omega-square (ω 2 ). In the case of normal (Gaussian) data distribution, parametric methods were used with the calculation of the sample mean (M), the error of the mean (m) and standard deviation. An end-to-end linear correlation analysis of all obtained indicators with the calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient was carried out. The statistical significance of the differences between the compared values and correlation coefficients was determined on the basis of Student’s criterion for independent samples. Differences between averages were considered statistically significant at P <0.05. To identify statistically significant indicators that indicate the presence of leukostasis in the vessels of the bronchopulmonary system in CLL and myelomatosis of the lungs in patients with MM, discriminant analysis was performed. Static computer processing was performed using the STATISTICA 6.0 program.